Pastor Cook has been a guest speaker at Bryan's chapel last night and this morning. He also will be speaking tonight in about twenty minutes. He said something last night that struck a chord with me: "sanctified disatisfaction".
And what that mean is - as we grow in Christ, as He sanctifies us, we should not be satisfied with what we have gained spiritually but rather we should be disatisfied with other parts of us that need growth, renewal or cleansing.
Instead of settling for one improvement and thinking that we're complete for a while we need to realize that there's always something that needs to be cleaned by God. We allow ourselves to be satisfied way to easily!
Getting ready for winter
Eigentlich laufen die Vorbereitungen auf den anstehenden Winter schon den
ganzen Sommer. Heute haben wir wieder eine entscheidende Etappe geschafft.
9 years ago